
Chinese phrase: 提前供暖 (tíqián ɡònɡnuǎn)

Another cold snap will sweep the north China. People are complaining that the official date (November 15) of heating should be advanced, to help them survive the freezing cold whether. It's up to the government! Let's learn the phrase 提前供暖 (tíqián ɡònɡnuǎn), which means to "advance the date of heating". 

A: It's been terribly cold in Beijing in the past two days. The temperature dropped to below zero. But the heating will not start till the 15th of this month!
实在太冷了!北京这两天跌破零度, 然而暖气要等到15号才来!
(shízài tàilěnɡ le! běijīnɡ zhè liǎnɡtiān diēpò línɡdù, ránér nuǎnqì yào děnɡdào shíwǔ hào cáilái!)

B: It's really upsetting. I don't even know how to survive the coming two weeks. I can still feel cold even after I put on all my winter clothing.
绝望, 真不知要如何熬过这两个星期。所有冬装都穿上了还是觉得冷。
(juéwànɡ, zhēn bùzhī yào rúhé áoɡuò zhè liǎnɡɡè xīnɡqī. suǒyǒu dōnɡzhuānɡ dōu chuānshànɡ le háishì juéde lěnɡ.)

A: I really wish they could advance the date of heating this year. That way, both I and my cat would be a bit more comfortable as we've both caught a cold.
真希望今年能提前供暖, 这样已经感冒的我和我家猫咪都能稍微舒服一点。
(zhēn xīwànɡ jīnnián nénɡ tíqián ɡònɡnuǎn, zhèyànɡ yǐjīnɡ ɡǎnmào de wǒ hé wǒjiā māomī dōunénɡ shāowēi shūfú yīdiǎn.)

